Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2013 Resolution !!!!!

hi guys.. 
today i will post about my resolution for the year 2013..
somehow i believe that if i talk to someone / some people what i will gonna do,
it will make me really did it..
or try to did it.. maybe i fail.. but actually i did try..

so, onto the list..

1.       Learn to drive

2.       Cook more and more!! There’s soooo many kind of food out there.. 
 this maybe take my whole lifetime

3.       Tidy up my bedroom…  it’s a mess…
*as always*

4.       Forgive and forget.. this is really really hard… I already tried this for years and years…  but so.. yahh..  I’m just thinking that I’m also not a perfect person. I made mistakes too. I hurt people too. And I’m hoping that they’re will forgive me.. so, I think that how can you want other people to forgive you but you won’t??? that’s just sounds not right

5.       Laser my armpit.. hahaaa.. 
just got tired of shaving...

6.       Start my own bussiness.. 
though i still confused to choose... =(

7.       Buy a new handphone.. mine’s now is always runs out battery and hot like an iron..
*a brand new nokia lumia maybe??*

8.       Doing more work out
actually i do looooovvveee doing workout.. i usually did aerobics near my house.. that makes my skin PERFECT !! and combo with mask and scrub your face once a week.. your skin will absolutely georgeus!!!!!!! no acne, no pimples, no comedoes.. just clear, bright, and smooth face skin..
but  i got busy these days..and there's no time for work out..
9.  Blog more..

sooo... end of the post...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of YOU !!!!
see you next year !!!
happy holidays


  1. koe ga tau moco comment toh? haha..
    1. bener, lek koe wis iso nyetir sok nek ak teko kediri ak ga usa ngongkon sinyo ngenter2no neh wakakka. tp kita tetep harus naik becak bersama no..

    2. bener maneh, nek koe iso masak enak ak kan iso jajal..

    3. ak saiki wis menyerah ngresiki kamarku soale mesti reget neh huahahha..

    4. koe mesti isooo lah forgive & forget, koe kan berhati malaikat #kibassayap

    5. enak e seng ga due bulu sikil jd cuma perlu laser kelek e tok haha.. ak ngko omongono piro rego e..

    6. bisnis baju2 kelinci..

    7. tuku BB TOH!!!!!!

    8. tenanan to? aku yo pengennn pdhl tak kiro ak wis lewat masa puber kok panggah jerawatan too hiks..

    9. yeah blog more! looking forward to it.

    btw.. nanggung men to cuma 9 ga genep 10 hahaha..

    semoga resolusimu tercapai kabeh..
    ngomong2 soal resolusi ak selalu kilingan Mia..

    happy new year darla!

  2. @edwig darlaaaaaaa........ ayo ndi resolusimuu...ta tgg post ee..
    aq kadang ga nyadar.. la tulisane angka cilik.. wkwkwk... yo ngko ta mat mat ne dehh..
